Failed to
instantiate file "default.master" from module
I found one possible reason for the error.
File "webtemp_SiteDefinition1.xml" contains something like that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Templates xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint">
<Template Name="ArchiveSiteDefinition"
<Configuration ID="0"
Title="Archive Template Configuration Title"
Description="Archive Template Configuration Description"
Bold text above can't contains white spaces, and maybe other symbols which nonalphanumeric.
Will work - "ArchiveSiteDefinition"
Will not work - "Archive SiteDefinition"
File "webtemp_SiteDefinition1.xml" must be located in folder with name ArchiveSiteDefinition in your studio project.
File "webtemp_SiteDefinition1.xml" must be located in folder with name ArchiveSiteDefinition in your studio project.